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[ Hallite 芬纳 ] 海报设计



Fenner Advanced Sealing Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hallite Seals International owned by the UK listed company Fenner Group, and specialized in the manufacture and sale of hydraulic seals. Hallite was established in London, UK in 1903. Its subordinate trademark, Hallite is one of the five mainstream seal brands. Fenner Advanced Sealing Technology (Shanghai) is one of the three manufactory facilities around the world and mainly serves Chinese and Asian markets.

芬纳密封科技(上海)有限公司是英国上市公司芬纳集团所属赫莱特(Hallite)密封国际在中国的全资子公司,专业从事液压密封件的制造和销售。Hallite 1903年创建于英国伦敦,旗下Hallite品牌是世界五大主流密封件品牌之一。芬纳密封科技(上海)是Hallite全球三大生产基地之一,主要服务中国及亚洲市场。

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